Standard delivery is charged per order, regardless of how many items you order!
Express delivery worldwide via FedEx is charged per order, regardless of how many items are in the order.
Below are estimated delivery costs for specific countries. For other countries not listed, costs will be calculated at the final checkout page.
Standard Shipping Rates | |
Country | Cost |
US | US$ 12.95 |
CA | CA$ 22.88 |
GB | £ 6.95 |
AU | A$ 25.43 |
IE | € 6.95 |
Express Shipping Rates | |
Country | Cost |
US | $ 29.95 |
CA | CA$ 40.43 |
GB | £ 24.95 |
AU | A$ 44.93 |
IE | € 14.95 |
We guarantee all USA customs duties and taxes are covered in the price you pay